

Hired Q2 Solutions for multiple projects to include Security Assessments, Executive Protection, Training, and Penetration Audits. Outstanding Work! Experienced, Knowledgeable, and Incredible Work Ethic best describe Q2 Solutions.

Bryan Y

Owner Management Consulting Business

Q2 Solutions’ Active Shooter Education presentation was a 9.9 on a scale of 10. The workforce greatly appreciated the frank and insightful discussion – incredibly well-received. Flexible Company, Great Service, Highest Recommendation!

Christian W

Senior Security Manager

Q2 Solutions provided a Security Assessment Team Leader in support of a large, multi-part security project. Impressed with Q2 Solutions’ security knowledge, communications skills, and ability to develop programmatic and technology solutions for our client.

Scott T

Division Director of an International Engineering Corporation

Q2 Solutions provided 4 days of Executive Protection for a high-profile client that wanted low-profile, but close and immediate, protection while engaged in work and leisure. Q2 demonstrated total awareness and control while unobtrusively and discreetly providing complete security at multiple venues. Smooth, Professional, and Experienced – Great Work!

Daryl B

Private Investigator representing a National Law Firm

Q2 Solutions conducted a security assessment of our site and produced an incredibly informative report with pragmatic recommendations and associated costs. We immediately began implementing several recommendations. Very Professional Work. Highest Recommendation!

Brian M

President, Non-profit Organization

Q2 Solutions was contracted by our team to develop and present an in-depth course on Security in the Maritime Environment to international students. Bottom-line: Q2 Solutions’ work exceeded our expectations. Superb Understanding and Professional Presentation!

John W

Senior Project Manager, International Consulting Company

Impressed with Q2 Solutions’ ability to recognize threats, identify vulnerabilities, and develop practical security solutions. Professional, Experienced, and Customer-Service Orientated!

Larry F

Market Director – Security and Environmental, International Services Corporation

  • Completed over 140 comprehensive Physical Security Assessments
  • Provided more than 10,000 hours of Executive Protection Services (since 2022)
  • Delivered over 1,300 hours of Strategic Studies and Security related Presentations
  • Educated more than 1,100 personnel in Security Principles and Practices through Formal Presentations (to include Active Shooter Response)
  • Worked in 24 different Countries